Welcome to LBAOS!

The More Than Friendly Society Established in 1955

Long Beach Amateur Orchid Society is a non-profit organization formed to promote appreciation of orchids and to provide a source of information, education, and support for all orchid enthusiasts, whether they are novices or experts. Come and join us at our monthly meetings and meet members that range from dedicated growers with hundreds of orchids to beginners who just want to keep a few plants alive. Hear informative speakers and see demonstrations designed for orchid growers of all levels.




Upcoming Meeting Info

May 13, 2024 (7pm)

Scott McGregor: Growing Mediterranean Climate Terrestrial Orchids from Europe and Australia

Scott McGregor has been growing orchids since he was 12, when a neighbor gave him a plant.  That plant had a short life, but the hook was set, and he found books and sources for orchid species while growing up in St. Louis.  His collection has changed over time, living in different location around the world, but has always centered around the more unusual species.  Scott grows all his plants outdoors, without a greenhouse, just "adding some water and shade" to what nature provides in Southern California.  He especially enjoys finding new species that grow well in our climate (many are far more adaptable than most people would believe), and now grows over 500 different orchid species, along with cloud forest companion plants such as Heliamphora and epiphytic Utricularia. 

He rarely uses chemical insecticides or fungicides, preferring fresh air, beneficial insects and our native tree frogs.  Scott retired from the corporate world a few years ago and stays active on corporate boards and working with non-profit groups that promote science education for kids.  He resides with his family in San Juan Capistrano, California.

Plant Judging

There will be plant judging, so please bring your plants no later than 6:45 p.m. if you want to participate. All members are encouraged to showcase their blooms and plants. Please use “Plant Judging” forms provided towards the end of the newsletter. Plant submissions for judging must be turned in no later than 6:45 p.m. with neat and completed information on the plant judging form.

Winning plants will proudly display a First, Second, or Third place ribbon. The monthly presenter will select an additional plant that will receive the Cultural Award.

Silent Auction

We will have a Silent Auction. Bring cash, checks, or Zelle to pay for plants.

Come and Join Us!

St Gregory's Episcopal Church
6201 East Willow Street, Long Beach